I would like to remind everyone that our main form of communication is the weekly bulletin. Each teacher also communicates on a regular basis with families via classroom newsletters and emails. These communications are intentional and have important information about upcoming events, classroom expectations, field trips, etc. These email communications are also put on our website for easy access and to reference at any time. Please note that if you choose not to read these communications, we may not be able to accommodate missed deadlines or missed opportunities. If you are reading this, THANK YOU (and tag a friend who you know is not).
Dates at a Glance
Tuesday 11/1—Taco Tuesday Dia de los Muertos Ride (see flyer)
November 1st-18th –Dollars 4 Denim Clothing Drive
Friday 11/11—Veterans Day-No School
November 11/21-11/25—Thanksgiving Break
Friday 12/16—Solstice Festival
Field Trip Permission Slip Update
When you completed your enrollment packet, you signed a general waiver that serves as a standing permission slip for field trips. When a class is scheduled to take a field trip, that teacher will communicate the details and needs to the parents/guardians. HOW this looks will be different depending on the teacher and the nature of the trip. PLEASE make sure that you are following the requests and instructions specific to your child’s individual teacher.
VCS Board of Directors Opening
The VCS Board has a vacancy to fill. The board meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00PM on campus. Serving on the board is a wonderful way to stay connected to the school and support its success. Interested parents or community members must attend the November board meeting to learn about eligibility requirements and to be considered.
Halloween is not an event VCS celebrates during the school day. We ask that you please do not send your child to school in costume on Monday or send your child to school with Halloween candy. We hope you enjoy the Halloween evening with friends and family. And, yes, we do have school on Tuesday 🙂
School Pictures are in the Office–Stop by during office hours to pick them up
VCS Clothing Drive–DOLLARS 4 DENIM
Adult and children’s clothes, shoes, and denim. The better the condition of the items, the more money the school receives! Denim, shoes, and kid’s clothes worth the most.
***The clothing drive will be from November 1st-18th ***
Start saving your clothes today and tell your family and friends!
Order before October 31st to get 5% off!
Regular price: $20
Join VCS Friends and Families Every Tuesday and let’s get a crew for Dia de los Muertos Taco Tuesday. If you have questions or want to learn more about this fun event, see Claudia (Lucia’s mom) or Miss Barnum.
The Hoedown was so much fun! Thank you to all the PA members that chipped in to make the space beautiful and festive. Thank you to everyone who brought delicious eats for the potluck. And thank you all for the good conversation, laughter, and lively dancing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, to Rebecca for cleaning and organizing room 31. We appreciate you!