Important Dates to Put on Your Calendar

Monday 8/14—Mandatory VCS Orientation 5:30-7:00pm
Wednesday 8/16—First Day of School 8:45-1:15
Thursday 8/24—Mandatory Meeting for anyone interested in driving/chaperoning on fieldtrips. 3 times available: 7:45 am, 12:00 pm, 5:30 pm 
Sunday 8/27—Village Fest 1:00-4:00 pm Rio Nido Roadhouse
Monday 9/4–NO SCHOOL -Labor Day
Tuesday 9/5—PA MEETING (parent association) 8:45 or right after morning circle 
Friday 9/22—NO SCHOOL 
Wednesday 9/27—FARMERS MARKET & BAKE SALE  1-3:30 pm-outside classrooms (cash or venmo)

Thank you for your help!

It takes so much to get our little school ready for the school year and we could not do it without you! To the PA for your summer support, planning, and community building over the summer—Thank you!

And thank you to the following people who came in on Wednesday (and other days) and made a huge dent in all the tasks that need to get done before the children arrive: Scott Chapman (check out the incredible TK outdoor classroom he built for us), Mike Lennox (brave blackberry buster), Patrick Nolan (you moved so much bark), Eva Acker (organizer extraordinaire) and Rebecca Shroder for cleaning, Amber Napoleon (always in the garden), Mary (you are a master with a weedeater) and Darrell Locker, and Mitch Nunley and DryScape for your generosity and the yard materials. THANK YOU!

Reminder that our Mandatory Orientation is Monday 8/14 at 5:30. 

We will have childcare available.

Please bring the following with you:

· Driver’s License
· Insurance Declaration Page
· Current DMV printout (go to DMV website and follow steps)
· Any student/family paperwork you have not yet submitted
· Immunizations (if you haven’t yet submitted them to the office)
· $ for TruScan if you need to be fingerprinted (if you have already been fingerprinted for VCS you do not need to do it again—this is a onetime thing)

Miss Malika’s Class Potluck

Thursday August 10th 5pm-7pm
@Ragle Ranch Park in Sebastopol
(We have a friend with severe nut allergies. Please consider this and label your dish)
Also, bring your own place setting! Let’s start the year off in honor of the Earth! Help keep our footprint light.

Hello to returning families and a warm welcome to all our new friends! Please, please come join in this fun evening of play and opportunity for community building. I am so looking forward to seeing you all there!

See you there!
Miss Malika


Save the date! Bring friends and family! Gather with the VCS Community new and old!
Sunday 8/27 12:00-4:00 PM at the Rio Nido Roadhouse
An afternoon of music, fun, food, and a SILENT AUCTION benefiting VCS! Grab your family and head on out for a wonderful day of fun while supporting our school. Suggested donation of $25 per adult and kids are free. There is an option to swim at roadhouse that is additional $. Please bring suits, towels, etc. Food and drink are available for purchase.  


Thanks for reading!