Important Dates to Put on Your Calendar

Monday 9/4–NO SCHOOL -Labor Day
Tuesday 9/5—PA MEETING (parent association) 8:45 or right after morning circle
Monday 9/11—Picture Day for all students (see attached order forms)
Wednesday 9/13—VSC Board Meeting 6:00pm
Friday 9/22—NO SCHOOL 
Friday 9/29—VCS Hoedown and Potluck—More details to come!

Classroom Parent Meeting Dates 

(any additional details will be provided by teachers):

Miss Jess Wednesday September 6th 5:30
Ashley Thursday September 7th 6:00
Kristen Monday September 11th 5:30

Important Extended Care Update

This is the first year since COVID that we have opened our Extended Care program for anything beyond necessity. It is wonderful to see how many students are making new friends and enjoying their extra play time. Unfortunately, I am currently struggling to support our student numbers with the staff we have available. We are requesting that, until we can address our staffing needs parents/caregivers pick up their children as close to dismissal time as possible and not utilize Extended Care unless necessary (this includes waiting for older sibling pick up and work requirements).

We apologize for this inconvenience. It is our goal that we can get back to normal soon so we can better support families and give our students access to more time on campus. 

Thank you for your understanding.

Parking Concerns and Plan

Now that we have had a chance to settle into the school year, we are asking that you make every effort to use our drop off option in the morning. This is a multi-school site and faculty and staff are struggling to find parking spaces. IF you feel the need to walk your child in, please try to say your good-byes quickly so your parking space can free up for others. 

Key Reminders:

·  Pull all the way up to the drop off site at the end of the parking lot

·  DO NOT park in teacher spaces in front of NWP or in the west lot

·  DO NOT park in handicap spaces unless you legally can

·  DO NOT block busses

·  DO NOT stop to drop off in the red zone

·  Please continue to practice patience and safe driving

We enjoy having parents attend our Monday morning circles. I will work with NWP and the teachers to see if we can come up with a plan to support parent participation.

Thank you for your support and cooperation!


What a wonderful VILLAGE FEST! Thank you to everyone who helped make the event a great success. So far, we have raised over $6k! We will have the final count soon.  

If anyone has any pictures from the event please let us know or email them to Rebecca or Emma

PA Update

If you are wanting to still join a PA committee or have any questions, please email or show up to our first PA meeting on 9/5. 

All are welcome and encouraged to come. We will have coffee, treats, and would love for you to join in the planning of upcoming festivals and events at VCS.

Thank you everyone who signed up to be a morning greeter! We appreciate your support.

Have you seen our community table outside the office? Have an abundance of veggies, eggs, fruit, etc.? Bring some to share or take what you need. It’s free! 

Cross Country/Running Club

We are excited to announce VCS is starting a Middle School Cross Country Team (6-8th Grade) and Running Club (4th and 5th Grade). The season will Run from mid-September through October.  If your child is interested, please contact Ms. Parent, Mr. Matt, or Rebecca as soon as possible. More details to follow. 

We will be having a meeting/orientation on Wednesday 9/6 at 1:30-2:15. Come with athletic shoes if you are interested in learning more and getting a little exercise!

VCS Library

Did you know VCS has our own Little Library? It is located next to the aftercare room.  If you are looking for your next great read come see if any book interests you and feel free to take it home, it’s yours!  Did you just finish a great book and want to pass it on to someone in your community? Leave it here to share!  Thank you for being part of our Village Book Sharing Community 

Thanks for reading!

Preorder Yearbooks 

Only $17.99 (10% off) through Oct. 31st
Regular Price: $20 

To Purchase and Customize Your Yearbook
1. Go to
2. Enter our passcode: 1014724174042747

Picture Day Order Forms