Important Dates to Put on Your Calendar

11/20-11/24   NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday 11/29   VCS Farmers Market—no money needed
Thursday 12/21  Winter Solstice Festival—time TBA 
12/22-1/8  WINTER BREAK—school resumes on Tuesday 1/9/2024
Friday 1/26   All School Dance—more info TBA
Saturday 4/20  Creek Clean-Up 
3/18-3/22 SPRING BREAK
Friday 5/3  May Day—time TBA
Friday 6/7  8th Grade Graduation/Carnival 

To All,

I hope your week of thanksgiving proves restful, rejuvenating, and full of gratitude. At some point during the break: find a smile for another; use a gentler tone; turn off the TV/video game and play cards; see the good in others; go for a walk and amaze at the colors of fall; read…

There is so much to be grateful for.


If you are wanting to still join a PA committee or have any questions, please email 

Next MEETING MONDAY 12/4 right after morning circle. We meet in the office. 
All are welcome and encouraged to come. We will have coffee and treats and would love for you to join in the planning of upcoming festivals and events at VCS.

PA is seeking the following:
* 5-10 ceramic dinner plates 
* 30-AA batteries 
* 40-CR2032 batteries 

Have you seen our community table outside the office? Have an abundance of veggies, eggs, fruit or? Bring some to share or take what you need. It’s free! 


Please make sure you take EVERYTHING HOME! Thank you!


Miss Ashley’s & Miss Barnum’s classes will host the November farmer’s market on Wednesday, 11/29 at 12:30. No money is needed, because we will provide the whole school with tokens to spend. There will be food and soup available so please send your child to school with a plate, bowl/cup and utensil.