➤ Upcoming
Saturday, August 3– Campus Work Day 8:00 am to 3:00 pm –No children please. This is a day of hard, outdoor labor for any adults who want to show up and help.
Friday, August 2 through Friday, August 9 – VCS office will be CLOSED.
Monday, August 12 – Back to School Orientation – Parents only | 5:30 – 7:00 PM
Wednesday, August 14 – First Day of School 8:45 am. This week is ALL MINIMUM DAYS – 1:15 dismissal for all students.
➤ Class Lists
Classroom configuration for the 2024-25 school year has been finalized.
VCS believes that the ideal configuration model is a multi-age environment that supports a child’s social, emotional, and academic growth. Creating a balanced classroom requires a tremendous amount of reflection, discussion, and love. We take this process very seriously. Our teachers have collaborated for over 2 months, mindfully working to place each child in what we feel is the best classroom environment. These configuration decisions are based on developmental readiness, social, emotional, and academic factors, and with the long-term goal of facilitating each student’s success throughout their school career.
Class lists are attached to the email “VCS – Special Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year Bulletin” sent today, August 1st. PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL and requests for alternate placement will not be considered at this time.
VCS, NWP, and SCOE will all be starting on the 14th. Please make sure that you practice patience and kindness when dealing with what will surely be a traffic nightmare. The most important thing is that everyone stays safe and the SCOE buses have a clear path.