➤ Upcoming
Monday 9/30 PA Meeting after circle 9am start time
Friday 10/4 – Monday 10/7 NO SCHOOL Fall Break
Tuesday 10/8 – Friday 10/11- PARENT/TEACHER CONF. 1:15 days all week (your child’s teacher will communicate details)
Friday 10/11 Deadline for ordering school pictures
Saturday 10/12 VCS Rummage Sale 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday 10/19 Farm to Table Dinner Fundraiser 6:30 PM
Friday 11/8 Dia de los Muertos Details TBA
Thursday 12/19 Winter Solstice Details TBA
➤ VCS Sports Schedule
Mon 9/30 6th Flag Football (6FF) vs Salmon Creek 4:15 @ VCS
Tues 10/1 6FF & 7/8FF 4:15/5:15 @ VCS
Thur 10/3 7/8FF @ Roseland Accelerated 4:15
Fri 10/4 6FF & 7/8FF vs Wright 4:15/5:15 @ VCS
Fri 10/4 X-Country Meet–at Ragle Ranch Park 4:30
➤ VCS Farm to Table Dinner
Saturday, October 19th 6:30 PM
Ticket Sales are LIVE! We want to fill 100 seats, so get your tickets and invite your friends.
If anyone you know is looking for ways to charitably give, they can donate via the ticket link. This is a great ask for friends, family members, or other community members who support the mission of VCS but cannot attend. Village is a special place, and we depend on fundraising to fund our low class ratios and amazing programs!
Want to help?
-Buy a ticket!
–Sponsor a teacher or the event
–Donate to the Silent Auction (contact Lauren Racusin at 707 685 7666)
–Ask for monetary donations from your community
–Volunteer your time the day of, before/after the event (contact Stacey at 650 784 6305)
–Hang a flyer in your business, or other local businesses. Flyers can be found on Carolyn‘s desk in the front office. More flyers will be provided on Monday with the QR code and/or website printed on it, or text Stacey at (650) 784-6305 and she can send you an electronic copy for you to print and hang!
Purchase tickets: http://vcsevent.com
➤ PA Update
Next PA meeting: MONDAY 9/30
We meet in the main office after morning circle. All are welcome and encouraged to come.
If you are wanting to still join a PA committee or have any questions please email Laurenracusin@hotmail.com
Have you seen our community table outside the office?! Have an abundance of veggies, eggs, fruit or ? Bring some to share or take what you need. It’s free!
Next PA meeting MONDAY 9/30
We are in need of a few things for some upcoming projects
If you have please leave in office on round table:
-Glass jars all sizes and shapes (no labels)
-Card stock/watercolor paper
-Small hammers-like for jewelry (to borrow only and please label) will be returned in late nov
-40 mini and small pumpkins all shapes & colors (if you have bulk contact laurenracusin@hotmail.com to pick up)
➤ VCS Spirit Wear is back!
The new store is sorted by logo design. All styles are available in youth and adult sizes, t-shirts and sweatshirts, and we’re continuing to add more designs over time.
Village Charter School Store
October 12, from 9-1 at VCS
We are having a rummage sale fundraiser on October 12th, but we need items to sell! Clean out your closets and garages and bring your donations to the school for us to sell. Items can be brought to the music room on October 10 or 11. If you need to get them out of your house sooner, contact Mia Bean to arrange drop off. 707-758-7947
We are also looking for volunteers Friday night to sort and Saturday morning to help run the sale. Also, invite your friends and the community!
Contact Mia Bean with any questions or to volunteer to help.
➤ Pre-order Yearbooks
Take advantage of our yearbook printing company’s early bird sale! Yearbooks are 10% off now through October 31st. The discount doesn’t cost our school a thing, so don’t wait!
➤ School Picture Order Form
Orders must be in by October 11! Prints will be delivered in mid-to-late October.
If you choose to order digital files, you will receive your child’s full set of pictures including alternates within a day or two.
To preview your child’s portrait, click here and use the password woodandivy
Download and Print Order Forms
➤ Wanted
Acorn Request- Do you have these items to donate?
- We are looking for magnetic alphabet letters both uppercase and lowercase letters.
- We are also looking for some random toys to add to our alphabet bags (think miniature animals, foods, etc.).
Thank you! Jess
➤ Appreciations
To: Bryan Much, Gabi Herbert, and Natalie Chaput for giving 4 days to support our MS students on our first MS overnight trip. You made the trip extra special. THANK YOU!!
To: Jeff Nunes–Thank you for the incredibly wonderful new out-door sink. It is perfect!
To: Matt and Rohan for helping us put together our first flag football teams. And to Carrie, Josh, and Claudia for running the X-County team. The kids are so excited to be a part of these programs.. Thank you for your time and energy.