➤ Upcoming

Friday 11/8Dia de los Muertos 5:30 PM
Monday 11/11NO SCHOOL Veterans Day
Wednesday 11/20VCS Board Meeting 4:00 PM
Monday 11/25 – Friday 11/29NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break 
Thursday 12/19Winter Solstice Time TBA
Friday 12/20 – Monday 1/6NO SCHOOL Winter Break 

Dia de los Muertos

Friday 11/8 5:30pm

We are honored to have you join us for this very special event. Students have been working hard and preparing for a lovely evening. Festivities begin at 5:30pm. 

Please make sure to read all communications from your child’s classroom teacher. The teachers will let you know what your child needs to wear and when to arrive in the classroom. Students should arrive on campus dressed and fed.

Please bring your own cups for a hot beverage and something for our community ofrenda–a picture of a loved one or the favorite fruit, flower, or food of a loved one.

Note: After the event, we ask that you superives your own child(ren). They love to run and play in the dark, but you are responsible for them during that time.

We can always use extra  help preparing for and cleaning up after this event. Click the link below to see how you can help or just show up! Thank you!


 ➤ Fall and Winter Intersession

VCS is offering  intersession days during Thanksgiving and Winter breaks to support our students and families during these non-school days. Intersession days run from 8:00-5:00 (students can attend any portion of the day) and are available to students at no cost. Intersession days will include free play, group activities, and  age/grade level appropriate academic support. 

If you would be interested in having your child attend Intersession days, please complete and return the form sent out by Carolyn earlier this week so I can make sure the days are properly staffed.

Fall Intersession

Monday 11/25-Tuesday 11/26 

Winter Intersession

Monday 12/23- Tuesday 12/24

Monday 12/30- Friday 1/3

 ➤ Enrichment Activity: Cocinando en Español

Hello VCS community! Carolina (Solomon and Noa’s mom) and Claudia (Lucía’s mom) will be offering an enrichment activity for students in TK-5th grades.  Our intention is for kids to have fun cooking simple and delicious snacks while learning Español.  Each week kids will learn vocabulary related to cooking and prepare their own snacks. The Cocinando en Español Activity will run for 5 weeks starting the week of Nov. 11th and ending the week of Dec. 16th (we won’t meet the week of Thanksgiving). We will meet each Tuesday from 3:30-4:30pm. Each week students will report to after care and will be picked up at 3:30 to start the activity.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Claudia (text 707-318-5466).  We ask that students interested in participating sign up and fill out the form https://forms.gle/WrfRvDH2yxxG9aWU8

 ➤ PA Update

Have you seen our community table outside the office?! Have an abundance of veggies, eggs, fruit or ? Bring some to share or take what you need. It’s free! 

Farm to Table Appreciations!

Scott Chapman, Pam Maccario, Adrian & Karla, Nicole Fortuna, Amy Liu Miller, Nicole Novach. Ben Archibald, Jacob Bockelmann,  Elisette Weiss, Corey Albury, Heather Huerta, Donata Bohanec, Irma Garcia, Ashley Hamlett, Chris Bross. Nick (and his sister) Simmons, Casey McConkie, Lauren Racusin McSweeney–and partners/spouses that supported from home so we all could be helping on site!


And to the many other people who asked their friends and/or gave Stacey leads for people to contact  on meat, flowers etc.

And we can’t forget the alumni students that did childcare and the middle schoolers that helped with serving – Victoria, Elizabeth, Korekiyo, Francis, Zachary 

Thank you to everyone for attending and supporting our first Farm to Table fundraiser. It was a big success. We raised over $8000 for the school!

➤ School pictures are ready 

If you ordered prints, they are in the office. 

 ➤ Pre-order Yearbooks


➤ VCS Spirit Wear is back! 

The new store is sorted by logo design. All styles are available in youth and adult sizes, t-shirts and sweatshirts, and we’re continuing to add more designs over time.

Village Charter School Store

➤ Lost & Found

Please be sure to check the lost & found bucket for items belonging to your child.