➤ Upcoming

Friday, April 12 – No School
Wednesday, April 17 –  VCS Board Meeting @ 4:00 PM 
Saturday, April 20 Creek Clean-a-thon @ 9:00 AM 
Friday, April 26  No School (unused emergency closure day)
Monday, April 29 – PA Meeting 
Friday, May 3 –  1:15 Dismissal for all | May Day @ 5:30 PM
Friday, May 10 –  No School
Monday, May 27 – No School (Memorial Day)
Monday, June 3 –  PA Meeting
Friday, June 7 8th Grade Graduation & Carnival 

➤ Creek Clean-a-thon

Tomorrow! Saturday, April 20th 9:00-11:00 AM at The Youth Community Park.

This is a wonderful day of cleaning up our local watershed and beautifying our community. Boots and work clothes are strongly recommended! Everything else is provided. 

If you ordered a shirt or still want a shirt, they are available for purchase the day of.
Please bring exact cash ($10 each) or scan to pay will be available at the event.

We are still fundraising!
Donate and share: creekcleanathon.villagecharterschool.com

➤ Yearbooks

Don’t forget to order! Custom pages must be completed by May 17.

VCS Yearbooks are designed by a team of our own middle school students, and professionally printed in beautiful full color on recycled paper by a green certified printer. 

Each yearbook comes with 2 customizable pages which are FREE and printed only in YOUR book. Want more custom pages? Each additional 2 pages is just $0.99.

For every yearbook sold, Trees for the Future plants a tree in our school’s name. This grove of trees is planted by local families in countries devastated by deforestation and global climate change. Each year, these trees will replace many tons of pollution from the atmosphere with life-giving oxygen.

To date, VCS yearbook sales have planted 631 trees and counting!

 ➤ April is a month of Challenges, Service, & Spirit!


Meatless Monday– Is it easy or hard?
Tech-Free Tuesday/Thursday– How’s it going?
Water Wednesday– How does it feel?
Friendship Friday– Have you made a new friend? Tried to reach out to someone you normally don’t talk to?

 ➤ NWP Spring Academic Exhibition

Northwest Prep Charter School invites you to our Spring Academic Exhibition on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 6 pm at Northwest Prep Charter School. The driving question for this event is: “What modes of food production will best sustain the future? 

We will kick the evening off with a greeting and overview in the MPR at 6 pm before releasing you to classrooms for TED talk performances. You will later return to the MPR to play the student-designed board games and visit with seniors at the senior grotto to learn more about their semester-long research project.  We look forward to you joining us. 

 ➤ PA Update

If you are wanting to still join a PA committee or have any questions, please email Laurenracusin@hotmail.com

DATE CHANGE! Next PA meeting is Monday April 29, right after morning circle. We meet in the office.

All are welcome and encouraged to come. We will have coffee and treats and would love for you to join in the planning of upcoming festivals and events at VCS

➤ May Day

Our May Day Festival will be held on Friday, May 3rd. IT IS AN EARLY RELEASE DAY FOR ALL CLASSES.

1:15 – Release 
5:30 – Festival Start

Please feel free to bring blankets, low back chairs and a picnic dinner. We could use some help making flower crowns and securing flowers. Please check the link and see if you can help with this event. 


 ➤ Science Club 

Enrichment Activity! We would like to offer a  Wednesday afternoon science club during the month of May. We need a few parent volunteers to help run it so we can offer it to more kids – there’s been a lot of interest on the part of the kids already. It will be offered to grades 1-3. No science background needed on the part of the parents. Interested parents can reach out  to me via email at bojana.anglin@gmail.com,  –Bojana (Harben’s mom)