While The Village Charter School (VCS) is primarily dedicated to offering a class-room based program, circumstances may arise for the option of short-term independent study. Because of these special circumstances, the VCS Board of Directors authorizes Independent Study as an optional instructional strategy for students enrolled in Kindergarten through Eighth Grades. Independent Study provides a means for students in certain circumstances to pursue curriculum objectives outside the regular classroom.
The length of an independent study program shall be no more than 14 days per school year consecutive or non consecutive. A request for independent study must be received at least three (3) school days before the commencement of the absence, except as otherwise approved by the Administrator. Independent study is conducted solely for the educational benefit for the students attending VCS as a means to encourage daily engagement in school work even during times of extended absence.
See Independent Study Board Policy.pdf for full text.
Print, complete and submit the Independent Study request form three (3) days before absence.