➤ Upcoming

Wednesday 9/11 PA Bake Sale 12:45-1:45
Wednesday 9/11 Picture Retake Day
Wednesday 9/18 Board Meeting 4pm- Meet in main office 
Friday 9/20 NO SCHOOL 
Monday 9/30 PA Meeting after circle 8:45/9am start time
Friday 10/4 – Monday 10/7 NO SCHOOL Fall Break
Tuesday 10/8 – Friday 10/11- PARENT/TEACHER CONF. 1:15 days all week  (your child’s teacher will communicate details)
Friday 10/11 Deadline for ordering school pictures
Saturday 10/19 Farm to Table Dinner Fundraiser Time TBA 
Friday 11/8 Dia de los Muertos Details TBA
Thursday 12/19 Winter Solstice Details TBA

 ➤ VCS spirit wear is back! 

The new store is sorted by logo design. All styles are available in youth and adult sizes, t-shirts and sweatshirts, and we’re continuing to add more designs over time.

Village Charter School Store

 ➤ PA Update


Wednesday 9/11 FROM 12:45-1:45 PM

If your child(ren) are planning on buying goods PLEASE SEND them with cash in a baggy or envelope-NO MORE THAN $5

Parents are welcome to come and purchase as well–Scan-to-Pay or cash

Gluten free/Nut free/Vegan options 

Items are all $1 each


Next PA meeting: MONDAY 9/30

We meet in the main office after morning circle. All are welcome and encouraged to come.

If you are wanting to still join a PA committee or have any questions please email



We are in need of a few things for some upcoming projects. 

If you have any of the following please leave in office on round table: 

-Glass jars all sizes and shapes (no labels)
-Card stock/watercolor paper
-Small hammers-like for jewelry (to borrow only and please label) will be returned in late November. 
-40 mini and small pumpkins all shapes & colors

(if you have these in bulk contact laurenracusin@hotmail.com to pick up)


Have you seen our community table outside the office?! Have an abundance of veggies, eggs, fruit or ? Bring some to share or take what you need. It’s free! 

 ➤ Pre-order Yearbooks

Take advantage of our yearbook printing company’s early bird sale! Yearbooks are 10% off now through October 31st. The discount doesn’t cost our school a thing, so don’t wait! 


 ➤ School Picture Order Form

Download and Print Order Forms

Village Charter School • 2590 Piner Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95401  • 707-524-2848 • villagecharterschool.com

VCS, in its programs, admissions policies, employment practices, and all other operations is non-sectarian and shall not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.